How did ALL IN TV start?
Since I was a child, I have always been fascinated with art, video, sound and TV. You could even say I was a child actor on Public Access TV in Hawai'i when I played a role in a local production that, according to my aunties, gets broadcast every now and then. So Public Access has a sweet spot in my heart.
In January 2020, I became a Public Access TV producer at SF Commons/BAVC Media and created ALL IN TV.
ALL IN TV is an amorphous videozine gently fading into a fever dream of experimental A/V textures, archival footage, playful juxtapositions and personal documentation of local community art, grass-roots organizations, services and Spirit. ALL IN TV is the kitchen sink dump cake of Public Access TV.
ALL IN TV has since expanded into video editing services in addition to producing episodes for SF Commons.
Episodes air bi-monthly on its Sunday 11pm PST slot,
Channel 29 (San Francisco) simultaneously with a live stream for those without cable tv. Re-runs at various times until eternity.

ALL IN TV-Episode X
These are a few of the ALL IN TV episodes. You can visit SF Commons to watch the digital stream or you can watch full episodes on Vimeo and Youtube.